ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 TRANSITION

RFM has developed courses to satisfy CQI and IRCA’s requirements for auditor transition to the new standards. We are now running a programme of public training courses. We can also run these courses in-house, tailored to suit the needs of your auditors and your process. We can offer you a cost-effective solution for your auditor training.


To update delegates regarding the 2015 changes to ISO 9001 and discuss ways of achieving successful transition to the new standard


Management Representatives, Quality Managers, Auditors and anyone who has responsibilities for planning or making changes to and/or auditing the revised quality management system.


This course will be presented using a combination of learning tools including an interactive approach and examples.


On completion of this course delegates will be able to:
  • Identify the new high level structure
  • Understand the revised concepts
  • Be familiar with the new terminology
  • Appreciate the benefits of the new standard
  • Stress the importance of the process approach
  • Determine the changes needed in their QMS
  • Develop an action plan
  • Assist in the route to re-certification

Numbers attending are normally kept low, so there is maximum scope for individual attention and we are able to tailor the day very much to the needs and interests of those attending.