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We are a market leading Training & Consultancy services group. Everything RFM does is driven by our passion for workforce training and development. Our core strategy is one that combines simple yet innovative technology with expert advice to deliver client-led solutions that assist organisations globally regardless of their size, geography or risk profile.
We are uniquely adept at combining extensive technical field experience with state of the art industry teaching methodologies to design, develop, and deliver customized training solutions that address specific Institution workforce needs. We have developed an ability to deliver information at the level that each class can understand and take back to their workplace for immediate application.
We utilize materials in our workshops that help delegates associate what they are learning directly with what they do on the job. Paragon's diverse range of skills allows us to match specific training objectives or business requirements of our clients with the most appropriate solution with no particular bias in terms of product or platform. Our use and understanding of new technology is practical, efficient and driven by needs, not a particular solution.
Business Training Is For High Achievers Who Have Recognised The Leverages They Provide.
An enterprise is invariably an entity made up of a number of constituent parts, For it to function and operate productively and successfully, structures and logical pathways have to be at its core. These are the rules that governs and regulate the flow of processes and actions within the organisation - codified read more
A government as an entity made up of a number of constituent parts, need structure and logical pathways for its policies to be implemented successfully. The extent of these achievements can only be quantify with procedures and actions that everyone involve should follow irrespective of position and authority read more
A small business enterprise by an large, is a scaled down version of a multinational corporation.For it to function and operate productively, structures and logical pathways also have to be at its core. These are the rules that govern and regulate the flow of processes and actions within the entreprise read more
We believe that organisations need to implement change which simultaneously delivers improvement to all key stakeholders - shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers and the community.
Our approach is holistic - in our experience, clients only achieve lasting and radical improvement in performance by targeting along four important salient features: direction,market , people and process
The fundamentals of achieving success can not be bought off-shelf. It requires a thoughtful and strategic approach in tandem with Drive, Vision and Leadership.This synergy, is what is required to move your enterprise to the next level.
The environment is getting more attention as the effects of global warming is all becoming too evident. Local solutions are the backbone in remedying this predicament to a certain extent.
It is often said your workers are your assets you can not put a price on irrespective of their colour - white-collar or blue-collar. Thus, safety and health of these precious commodities should never be over looked.
Processes and activities within an enterprise should follow rigid rules and guidelines that have been developed to maximise efficiency and productivities. Failing to do this will always have a detrimental effect your capital and retuns
With a wide variety of expertise from both academia and business enterprises,
we leverage that ability to provide expert knowlegde to a variety of subjects
Enterprise Businesses to Individual Solutions - Our expert are ready to assist
Enterprise Businesses to Individual Solutions - Our expert are ready to assist
Enterprise Businesses to Individual Solutions - Our expert are ready to assist
Enterprise Businesses to Individual Solutions - Our expert are ready to assist
Enterprise Businesses to Individual Solutions - Our expert are ready to assist
Enterprise Businesses to Individual Solutions - Our expert are ready to assist
Here is an assorted collection of pictures taken during our training classes.
The atmosphere is laid-back - making knowledge assimilation very conducive
Professional Training Delivered
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Professional Training Delivered
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Professional Training Delivered
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Professional Training Delivered
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Professional Training Delivered
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Professional Training Delivered
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Professional Training Delivered
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Professional Training Delivered
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Professional Training Delivered
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Professional Training Delivered
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Professional Training Delivered
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Lily likes to play with crayons and pencils
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